Finance - Marketing - Accountancy - Human Resources - Strategy - Plan Management - Law - Taxation


- Legal counsel and active involvement in international humanitarian societies (International Humanitarian Pharmacy)

- Financial counsel for firm transfer

- Societies legal counsels ( Junior Entreprise, Marketing Méditerranée, COBFI, BDS, BDA des ESC…)

- Societies and partners legal counsel

- A specialist in ethics concerning law and finance

Finance Accountancy Taxation

- Firm build up and follow through counsel for craftsmen and small and medium-sized businesses:

- Business accountancy follow through in the medical field (pharmacy, doctors) and strategic and financial counsel (pharmacy, computers firms, builders)

- Elaboration de projets de stratégie internationale : Euro et finance internationales pour la Multinationale Rockwell

- Counsel to optimize your income by means of taxation

- Financial counsel for firm transfer

- Stock Market portfolio management training ( Private individuals’ property management)Conseil en fiscalité immobilière

- Property taxation counsel Conseil pour optimiser ses revenues en utilisant la fiscalité

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